Friday, May 15, 2020

Box Building Process with Respect to Sex, Gender and...

Social differentiation refers to the line drawn between the various groups of individuals in the society based on their age, gender, race, nationality among other factors (Warde Martens 21). Social differentiation process, which is also referred to as box creating process is vital in the escalating cases of social inequality, more specifically, for the purpose of this article, gender and sexual inequality. The demarcations created on the basis of this factors (gender and sexual attributes of an individual) tend to mould individuals to depict a tunnel-view way of both looking at doing things. Individuals are handled/treated according to the box in which they belong to. However, what ought to be put into consideration by the â€Å"box creators† is that not all individuals in the society will fit in the created boxes. Some will tend to belong to none of them, or perhaps, in some cases, belong to both of them, something which makes it necessary for the dismantlement of the binari es (Lucal 519). The process of box creation, once completed, is culminated by vested interests in bid to ensure that they remain in place. This serves as the background of the differences observed in the treatment given to the different categories of individuals in the society resulting in social inequality. For instance, categorization of persons either as boy or girl/male or female leaves some individuals out with no specific box to belong to. These kinds of individuals include the transgender, gay andShow MoreRelatedFilipino Adolescents in Changing Times*10342 Words   |  42 Pagesexist in the areas of adolescent sexuality, greater male involvement in RH, cancer incidence and management, post-abortion care as well as the cultural context of reproductive tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS (Sobritchea, 1999). To produce data on these topics, quantitative researches were undertaken, primarily national and sector-specific surveys. However, qualitative data are lacking, especially on the subject of adolescent sexuality, to explain the behavioral patternsRead MoreCurriculum Development10775 Words   |  44 Pagesthat all students, regardless of their previous achievement are able to achieve their full potential. This section examines the diversity of students in the LLS and some of the factors that affect learning and achievement such as race, class, gender and sexuality. 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